Saturday, July 27, 2013

How to study Maths?

Except this current engineering education, I studied mathematics every year in the span of 12 years of formal school education. Only five semesters had my favorite subject Math in computer engineering! I love Mathematics so much that I missed it badly for other three semesters.  

Thursday, July 4, 2013

गज्जब हुन नसकेको पुस्तक चिना हराएको मान्छे

प्रकाशन भएको १ महिनाको अवधिभित्रै ३० हजार प्रति बिक्न सफल भनिएको प्रख्यात अभिनेता अनि सामाजिक अभियन्ता हरिवंश आचार्यको आत्मवृत्तान्त ‘चिना हराएको मान्छे’ पढ्दा आनन्द लाग्यो । यो किताब पढ्दा प्राय पृष्ठहरुमा मुसुक्क हाँसे, धेरैमा मज्जाले हाँसे, अनि कत्तिमा त आँखामा आँसु भरिन पुगे । तर खै किन हो, जति आशा गरेको थिएँ, त्यति पाउन सकिँन यो पुस्तकमा ।

Monday, May 13, 2013

No Textbook For a Governement School's Student!

I was in my hometown Jhapa about a week ago. And books and stationery shopkeepers were very busy selling boarding school's books, and other accessories. 
But on the same note, they were not selling a single textbook for a student studying in a government school.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


मलाई सोध
ओ दाजु
सोध मलाई
किन चुरोट खान्छु म ?
घर किन बस्दिन म ?
राम्ररी किन बोल्दिन म ?
ओ केटि
तँसँग त्यस्तो बोल्ने म
आज किन बोल्दिन

Friday, April 12, 2013


छोरो जन्मियो, जिन्दगी हार्ला, चिन्तित छन बा

लाठे भएपछी फेरी मार्ला, चिन्तित छन बा

Thursday, April 11, 2013

सङख्या–अन्तर (लघु कथा)

मध्यपश्चिम नेपालको एक पहाडी जिल्ला । माघको जाडोमा पनि यहाँ ताप अत्याधिक छ, आन्दोलनको । मानिसको आक्रोशको ।

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Why only Newar becoming Miss Nepal ?

Miss Newa or Miss Nepal?

(To read detail on this, please go to this)

This 20th March, Nepal got a new Miss Nepal, Ishani Shrestha of Thapathali. She should be congratulated well, and I wish for her success in one year as the Miss Nepal.
I suspect the organizers have some irregularities there selecting Miss Nepal. I might be wrong, but why are there four back-to-back Newar Miss Nepals ? Sadikshya Shrestha, Malina Joshi, Shristi Shrestha, and now, Ishani Shrestha. And Ishani already denied that she is chosen because she is a Newar.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

A filmi poem on facebook, and girl !

एउटा फिल्मी कविता

हिजो एउटी राम्री
अनी गोरी केटिको
'प्रोफाइल पिक्' हेरेँ
'म्युचल फ्रेन्ड' रैछन दुइ चारजना
ओहो ! कती भाज्ञ्यमानी
'रिक्वेस्ट असेप्ट' गरी उसले
कती बिहे नै गर्न मानेजस्तो
कती    संसारइ जितेजस्तो
कती    नेपालमा चुनाव भएजस्तो
गरी खुशी भए

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Jamunkhadi Simsar and Zoo, Jhapa

Far Eastern Attraction
I was very happy to see a college notice that informed me that college will be closed for about one and a half month for Dashain, Tihar and Chhatha celebration.
On this long stay at home, I visited Jamunkhadi Simsar, which is located in Surunga VDC, nine KM west from Birtamode, Jhapa. Spread across ward numbers two and three of Surunga, Jamunkhadi occupies around 20 Bighas of land with many attractions. This place is a part of Jamunbari Community Jungle Consumer Committee.